Through the CDQ (Community Development Quota) Program, CVRF earns money in the Bering Sea fisheries and reinvests in Bering Sea vessels and quota to maximize those earnings. CVRF uses the earnings to create jobs, programs and other opportunities that help to build the economic independence of CVRF’s 20 member communities. In order to participate in CVRF’s programs, you must be a resident of one of CVRF’s 20 member villages.
The fundamental idea behind the CDQ Program is to give the communities on the shores of the Bering Sea the chance to participate in the modern, sustainable and lucrative commercial fisheries of the Bering Sea. By tying the program to residency, the CDQ “equity” in these fisheries cannot leave our communities. Generations from now, the people living in our communities will still be the effective “owners” of CVRF, will still serve on its Board of Directors, and will still control the future and fate of our CDQ group and the benefits we get from the Bering Sea.
If a person leaves the community, they are no longer eligible to participate in CVRF’s programs, and do not take away any “shares” in the company. Every child in our communities will have the same right to participate in CVRF activities as his/her parents and grandparents. Each new person that moves to our communities can also participate, regardless of race, sex, religion, lineage, tribal membership, or being a shareholder in a Native corporation.
To verify your residency, visit
CVRF believes strongly in the voice of the people: the voice of the people at the federal level, the voice of the people at the state level, and the voice of the people at our own company level. Behind our successful organization is a Board that understands its responsibilities and actively supports the missions and goals of Coastal Villages Region Fund. Our board members provide a critical link between community members and CVRF.
CVRF’s Board of Directors is responsible for governing CVRF’s affairs. The Board makes broad policy decisions and sets organizational goals that the staff carry out. The primary functions of the Board are to act in the best interests of the company and the Coastal Villages region. These functions enable the organization to achieve its purpose of providing the means for development by creating sensible, tangible, long-term solutions for the residents of CVRF’s 20 member communities. The Board makes decisions that balance growth in commercial fishing and sustainable development in CVRF communities.