People Propel® initially started with products limited to fishing nets, permits, boats, motors and safety equipment, and has evolved to include a wider range of products, including housing, to meet the needs of all CVRF residents. In 2021 during round 12 and 13 of this program, CVRF helped 797 residents purchase $7 million in equipment value in which CVRF provided more than $2.1 million in aid. Since its inception, People Propel® has helped over 5,000 residents purchase $42 million worth of equipment value in which $14 million has been contributed by Coastal Villages.
We leverage our capital from fishing, wield our buying power, and work together with transportation networks to support residents in accessing safe, efficient equipment and housing that leads to economic growth. Our relationships with vendors help drive competitive prices for residents. Our skilled Mechanic/Welders play a large role in the day-to-day maintenance of the equipment. All of this helps our residents build the skill sets to own, operate and maintain assets; in doing so, our whole region benefits.